Those were the words my grandmother said to me many, many years ago while discussing my biological father. "He loved you and he will come find you." I wasn't sure, it had been so many years and I just thought that would never happen. The story I had in my head was that he chose to give up parental rights so Craig could adopt me. That was so long ago and now I have heard some differing information. I really am not ready to find out the real story, but I will...eventually.
For now, I want to share the last week and a half of my life with you. On Oct 27th my former husband, Mike, brought me a letter. When I first looked at it, I was sure it was my handwriting I was looking at and I was sure it was probably from a doctor's office or something. Then I skimmed up to the return address. Wilder-in Kansas. I had to sit down. Immediately all the emotions from 38 years came crashing in my ears. The room actually did spin a little bit-I only ever thought that happened in movies...
I tore open the letter and it was from a man whose name is Steven Wilder. He said he knew me when I was little and that he wasn't even sure I would know who he was. Well, boy diddy, I totally knew who he was. He was my biological father. The one I had always wondered about...Did he really love me as Grandma and my uncles had said? Would he pursue me one day? That would be yes, he did. And I was knocked off my rocker.
Over the years I had been curious about this Steven Wilder who was my bio dad. But I knew nothing except my mom met him in Nebraska, she got pregnant, they married and lived in Denver. They split and Mom and I moved back to Hastings. Mom and I moved to Spokane, she met Craig, they got married and Craig adopted me. End of story. My mother was not so big on talking about Steve-which I get; a relationship that did not end well and produced a baby-I perhaps wouldn't want to talk about that pain either. Finally, I just gave up talking to Mom about it and so every so often I would as Grandma questions. She was always open and honest. I am grateful to her for that.
As time went on the internet came into play and every so often I would look him up. I didn't know anything but his name, so maybe I found him or maybe not over the years. I guess it doesn't really matter now. I didn't try and contact any of those men because I didn't want to hurt my Dad and I knew my mother would be mortified. In the last couple of years; however, Dad said that if I wanted to find him I could. So I've mulled it around, did a little investigating, but it never went anywhere until now.
The first thing I did, was call my sister. That is what I always do with big news. I think she was in just as much shock as I. "What are you going to do?" she wanted to know. I told her I was going to email him back the next day. He must be going crazy wanting to know if I got this letter. Good, Bad or other, the man needed to know he found the right daughter.
So I did. And so started a week of email conversations I will write about next...Life changes in one breath-I now have had the experience for myself and I know it is true.
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